10 Signs You May Have ADHD
It was 6pm on August 3rd, i had 13 unanswered emails, 10 unreturned phone calls & i was so overwhelmed that i had no option but to shut down. At the time i thought i was a failure with the work ethic of a queen bee. Little did i know i was wired a ~ little ~ differently to my co-workers.
A few signs:
Lack of focus
Relationship issues
Health problems
Lack of motivation
Restlessness and anxiety
Emotional problems
Lack of focus
Let’s jump straight into it with the most obvious… Lack of ~ regulated ~ focus. You can either focus for hours or you LITERALLY cannot find one single way to apply yourself to anything. Frustrating right??
On the opposite side of the scale, how many times have you found yourself so focused on something that literally nothing in the world could distract you from it? (includes eating, showering, drinking, pi**ing… you get the idea). This can be really handy, but often coming out of hyperfocus feels a little bit like you’ve been on another planet for a few days and you now have a lot to catch up on. (This can lead to tricky situations in your relationship - yikes).
Relationship issues
Which leads us onto relationship issues *halp*. Emotional regulation, lack of communication, defensiveness and being easily bored can be draining on relationships, as a person can come across as insensitive, irresponsible, or uncaring.
Health problems
This one is all too common, especially in women. Anxiety, depression, disordered eating are among many other problems that are either misdiagnosed for ADHD or come as a BOGOF kinda deal.
Lack of motivation
Am i lazy? Am i an actual piece of sh*t? Why cant i just do the thing? It is very common to flit between wanting to achieve everything and feeling like you can barely lift a finger for two weeks straight.
Restlessness and anxiety
Imagine going on a road trip, except you can’t stop your car. Like at all. It would be nice to slow down and appreciate the scenery but you must keep driving. ADHD can make you feel as if you are driven by a motor, this can work really well in some scenarios, but it can also be seriously damaging and can lead to frustration & anxiety.
Emotional problems
Emotional problems or lack of emotional regulation can get you in some pretty hairy situations. When small frustrations feel life altering it can be difficult to distinguish how you should be feeling. This can be really tricky in both romantic and professional relationships. As an undiagnosed ADHD brain it can lead to confusion, lack of control and depression.
~ you are £1091.00 overdrawn ~… oh okay. Three pairs of winter boots, four umbrellas and eight Etsy orders later i may be ready to admit that my impulsivity has trickled into my spending habits. Impulsivity can manifest in many different ways, it may make a person more spontaneous (yay) but it could lead to some pretty addictive behaviour (boo). Understanding your impulses and recognising them is a pretty huge thing and can help you make better decisions.
Often i will start a sentence and forget what i am trying to…. Anyway, forgetfulness is pretty annoying aspect of ADHD. It can affect your work performance, your relationships and your mental health. If you have locked yourself out with bags of shopping, forgot to reply to the email or let that bill slip you know the feeling.
Life can get pretty chaotic at times. If you have ADHD chances are it feels chaotic nearly all of the time. It can be really tricky to stay organised and often you will find someone with ADHD will either have everything in its place or nothing will make sense.
Now obviously this is a *super* concise overview of just a few things you may experience. But if you relate to over half of these on a daily basis then its worth exploring further. Head to our discover page and dive head first (we take no responsibility for any hyperfocus caused). Ciao x